Quint Jensen
1 min readMar 26, 2024


Let's move beyond the intellectual content to what people like me are really trying to say. I won't worship a petulant God who demands my worship, who will rejoice at the punishment of the unsaved in hell and allows so much evil to exist on earth. His existence is irrelevant to me. Saying that not every denomination believes in hell and its punishments is just a version of the No True Scotsman argument. Most western denominations teach some form of this.

I think you are side-stepping the argument of the disagreements within the church body. Your response is a non sequitur. Following your response, though, I think history disproves you. Christians have done some fairly awful things throughout history. Trying to deny or sidestep this puts you in No True Scotsman territory again.

I am an apostate evangelical who trained for a decade in biblical studies. The more I studied, the less I believed. The more I understood, the better I could see reality. Their is a saying that seminaries graduate more atheists than pastors. That is because knowledge is a dangerous thing.

